Earth Observation Satellites
Many satellites are sent by ISRO into space over some time for various observation purposes like climate, natural disasters, and other environmental episodes for applications like agriculture, water resources, urban planning, rural development, ocean resources, mineral planning, etc Some of the recently launched Earth Observation Satellites are: EOS-03, EOS-04, INS-2DT, and, INPIRESat-1.
Indian Remote Sensing Satellite
After the successful launch of the Bhaskara-I and Bhaskara-II satellites, India started its own Remote Sensing a.k.a. IRS. Afterwards, the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) was established for data distribution. Some of the applications of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites are:
In Space-Based Inputs for Decentralised Planning (SIS-DP)
In National Urban Information System (NUIS)
In the ISRO-based Disaster Management Support Programme (ISRO-DMSP)
In Hydro-geomorphological maps for locating underground water resources.
In the characterizations of biodiversity
In coastal studies
National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad is the hub for the acquisition and processing of Data and then circulation among all the other hubs in India. The IRS satellites involved are Resourcesat-1, IRS-ID, Oceansat-1, Cartosat-1, Cartosat-2, and some foreign satellites such as Terra, ERS, and NOAA.
Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) is an all-purpose geostationary series of satellites that is known to be the largest domestic communication system in Asia. Broadcasting, Meteorology, Telecommunication, rescue, and search operations are some of the objectives of INSAT. It is a combined initiative of the India Meteorological Department, All India Radio, Department of Space, Department of Telecommunications, and Doordarshan. INSAT-I was launched in 1982, followed by INSAT-II in 1983 and INSAT-III in 1988.
The GSAT satellites, which are utilized for digital audio, data, and video transmission for both military and civilian customers, are India's own communications satellites. Earlier the satellites were called INSAT and later all came under the umbrella of GSAT. On June 29, 2017, Ariane-5 VA-238 launched GSAT-17 from Kourou, French Guiana, into the INSAT/GSAT system. GSAT-17, which weighs 3477 kg upon launch, is equipped with payloads in the S-band, Normal C-band, and Extended C-band to offer a range of communication services. Additionally, GSAT-17 is equipped to relay meteorological data and perform satellite-based search and rescue operations, which were formerly handled by INSAT satellites.
Some of the important GSAT satellites are: GSAT-9/SAARC Satellite, GSAT-31, GSAT-30, CMS-01.

Launch Vehicle Technology
First Generation (SLVs, or satellite launch vehicles): India's first experimental satellite launch vehicle was called the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV). The goal of its development in the early 1980s was to launch satellites into low-Earth orbit. The SLV signaled India's foray into the space launch sector and set the stage for later developments in launch vehicle technology.
Second Generation (Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle): India created the Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV) in the late 1980s as a follow-up to the SLV. The SLV was enhanced by the ASLV, which had more boosters to increase cargo capacity. Even though ASLV had some difficulties, it was a step towards more advanced launch vehicles.
Third Generation (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle): With the ability to launch satellites into both geosynchronous and polar orbits, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) has become India's workhorse launch vehicle. Since making its debut in the early 1990s, it has developed into one of the world's most dependable and adaptable launch vehicles. The cost-effectiveness, modular configuration, and sturdy construction of PSLV are key factors in its success.
Recent PSLV mission list:
- PSLV-C51: Several smaller payloads including Brazil's first Earth observation satellite, Amazonia-1, were launched.
- PSLV-C49: Nine international small satellites including the radar imaging satellite EOS-01 (previously RISAT-2BR2) were deployed.
- PSLV-C48: Transported nine commercial payloads together with the radar imaging satellite RISAT-2BR1.
Fourth Generation (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle): With the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), India is moving towards higher orbits and larger payload capacities. In order to meet the demand for placing communication satellites into geostationary orbits, GSLV was created at the beginning of the new millennium. For improved performance, it integrates local cryogenic higher stages.